Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Travel Tips 101

Just wanna share 2 travel tips with you here! (:
Have you ever been so vexed over how to organise your travel toiletries to make easier to bring along with you on your trip?
No more worries!
One: Save the hassle of bringing sooooo many clear cases!
Get yourself a stackable clear casing like the one seen below. (:
You can purchase this from Daiso though they're known to put accessories. But if they don't leak, why not use it for your beauty cream? (:
Or Muji for $3 ++.
Two: Get a hanging toiletries bag.
This way, you can bring all your stuff to the toilet and hang it somewhere to prevent it from getting wet.
And maybe put your clothes somewhere in the bag! Isn't it more convenient? (:

So that's all for now! (:

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fresh Start.

Guess I haven't been blogging for like 2 months?
Hmmm, been busy with attachment and stuff for the past few months...
Time passes really fast yea?
In a month's time, which is 4 weeks more, it's the end of my attachment in TTSH. And after which, i'm flying to Taiwan with my family members the next day! (: (rly hope everything goes well!)
Then to Bali with my poly mates after the TW trip.
Really hope to go to Muar with my cell group as well.
Btws, 2 more after I come back from TW, I'm going for this 4 hours baking class. Woots! Really can't wait to learn how to bake those delicious macarons! (;
Talking about baking, which reminds me of how I failed terribly at making ice cream cone cupcakes for my friends. Will NEVER try that again.
Anyway, I don't know when I started picking up baking. But what I remember was I stopped using cake/cookie mix by Betty Crocker was when my classmate said this to me: "cheyyy, play cheat one!" haha.
Since then, I've been using recipes and stuff. But sometimes I failed too. My cakes or cupcakes are nice, but they are not really moist.
Anyway, my upcoming project will be:
1. Baking more delicious & moist cupcakes! (hopefully, haha.)
2. Doing a vintage tote? --> My first DIY tote turned out not too bad...(: