Saturday, May 14, 2011

His Timing.

Right now, I'm going to blog about His timing. Yes, that's right. God's timing.
God always work in ways that will make you go...*JAW DROPPING* (remember to close your mouth.)
Today's title for QT is: "Patience to be Patient."
As I read ODB today, I was reminded of the baptism issue...
We wait for what is worth waiting for, and in the process we learn patience.
God, who is timeless, requires of us a mature faith that may involve delays that seem like trials. Patience is one sign of that maturity, a quality that can develop only through the passing of time.
Many prayers in the Bible come out of the act of waiting. Jacob waited 7 years for a wife and then worked 7 more after being tricked by her father (Gen. 29:15-20). The Israelites waited 4 centuries for deliverance; Moses waited 4 decades for the call to lead them, then 4 more decades for a Promised Land he would not enter.
(adapted from
They've waited for God's best, and God's timing is always perfect. I will wait, for God's perfect timing.
Wait with a Spirit of Thanksgiving. (:
Lastly, Blogger doesn't notify me when someone comments on my blog post. So I don't know why, but today I feel like checking my comments. So I went to check, one Christian from Egypt commented on my blog post and shared a video with me. That video is "Is your Faith built on the rock?"
She commented like 2 months ago, and I only get to see it now.
Hmmm, is God trying to ask me a question or tell me something?? God's timing...haha!

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