Monday, January 17, 2011

Driving in the Dark.

This is the title for my Quiet Time with God from Our Daily Bread.
Basically, I was kinda emotional these few days...I needed to find an answer. And to find the answer, I have to seek God.
I prayed, but somehow don't have that impact in my life. Then until today. I prayed while I was on the bus to IMH. God touched my heart when I was reading His word from today's message from ODB.
The main points are: 

  1. God doesn't show you the way. Instead, He wants you to trust in Him that He will bring you to your destination.
  2. God will NEVER leave nor forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5)
  3. I won't stumble in the dark if I walk in the light of God's word.
  4. He will fulfill the promises He has made! (: 
I just feel so touched by God. This is why they say God is always near. He is not someone who is so far anywhere that you can't seek help from.
Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. —Psalm 119:105 
Thank you God. (:

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