Saturday, January 29, 2011


I went for cell yesterday. Ps PL went overseas so Angela lead the cell for ytd.
The approach she used was different and I find that ytd's topic was kinda meaningful.
Hmmm, ytd she asked us to draw out what is S.I.N.
I drew a small dot on a piece of white paper, then Charissa drew a scrabble kind of picture with all the different sins connected to each other. Then Angela drew 2 magnets resisting/repelling each other. (man/God). Florence drew a sad face, Jesselyn drew satan hiding behind a door & lastly, Karina drew a computer which refers to addiction I think.
I find that Charissa's picture made a lot of sense when Angela explained it. Angela explained it as sins are interconnected. When you commit one sin, you are actually opening a small part of your heart to satan. Then slowly you will start to sin more and more because one sin leads to another. Satan is always waiting to attack us 24/7, so we must always be on our guard.
Then lastly, we ended with prayers for one another to like stop sinning. Then I told Karina that I've not been setting my eyes on God. Like I've been entertaining thoughts which I shouldn't have. Then she's funny lahhh...instead of praying for me to set my eyes on God, she pray that may God show me the right person! =x

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