Sunday, October 17, 2010


Communication is of utmost importance. There are so many things which i wanna say here.
Communication is a 2 way thing. Most of the time, we happen to send non verbal cues to others which we don't know. Like my communication teacher has said, non verbal cues don't lie. We may say to someone that we're okay. You hear that often right? But seriously, who really feels okay? Few. How do we know that? By our non verbal cues. I have shown way too much of that to someone. I didn't really mean it. I guess I didn't think clearly. It's because of this, people have lost confidence or trust in us.
Another thing I wanna say is...parents always ask why we'd rather spend time in front of a computer than talk to them. I guess it's because they don't listen. Many a times, they don't understand us. We want something, and they just say NO straight in your face, what's our reflex? Our brain will tell us that it's ready to fight a battle! Then we'll react acc to the way they reject us. This is why I say parents don't listen! Instead of saying no, they should discuss it with us. Understand why we really want it, and explain it in nicely to us, explaining why they refuse! Parents should listen with their hearts and not their ears. Sometimes parents are just stereotypes too. They think like that, they react the way they think. When you listen to someone talk, empty your minds from everything and be willing to accept anything that you hear & NOT SAY NO STRAIGHT IN SOMEONE'S FACE!!!!!!
"Behind every story there's words which are unspeakable."

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