Thursday, September 23, 2010

Salvation is Here!

Hohoho! I am feeling happy right now, at this moment. Haha.
Hmmm, i came back, wondering whether I should on my lappy to check the Msn mail or just wait till night then i check. Though I am afraid to check the email, but i guess since i have to face it one day, i went to see the email. To my surprise, they allow me to reset my password! :D  Yay! Glory be to God! (:
Btws, otw to Novena, i read the bible again. this time round I read Revelations 8. I was like questioning myself about that chapter. It was just like what the ytd's God's message in fb was saying. Ermmms...something about everyone has to go through a time when they no longer hold on to what they all along believe. but God is waiting for them at the end of the dark tunnel."
Anws, let me talk abt my attachment today...hmmm. I just find that as each day goes by, i learn new things. I am in fact loving my attachment. Every day when i see the patient, i'll give them my brightest smile. Haha. To me, i believe that in this. "If you wanna do something, then give it your best shot. If not, don't even bother doing."
I was like so looking forward to this attachment one month back. The reason being, I know that I can spread God's love to people out there by caring for them. (: 
"God is not unjust; he will not forget your work and the love you have shown him as you have helped his people and continue to help them." -Hebrews 6:10. (This is how I feel. If you don't like it, then don't continue reading it.) (:

Food for thought:

  1. Some people will question me. For example, i scored 4A. Then i everything thank God, thank God. What's the point? It's my own effort mahh. But the thingy is, God created me and make everyone the head and not the tail. & i find that we have to give thanks to everything. Also, without God, i seriously wouldn't become the Xin Ru i am now! So I am grateful to the One who saved ME! (:
  2. Another question is, "I am here lying on the bed going through some difficulties. I pray also no use. God also cnt help me!" In my opinion, I guess that praying to God does help in one way. & God put us through all this difficulties to make us grow and depend on Him. Everything He do is for our wellbeing. He created us. So why should he ruin the MASTERPIECE He created?!
"Whoever does not know love, does not know God. Because God is love."- 1 John 4:8.
'"God looks at your heart, and not at your looks."
"We listen to God's word with our hearts."

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